Hobbies and stuff you do for fun

Just wondering what occupies your free time (other than PG related stuff)?

Me personally, I don’t have a ton of free time with kids, but the stuff I’d like to be doing is playing games (video, pen and paper, board, whatever and I do sometimes, just not often), playing/writing music, building guitar pedals, brewing beer, eventually building guitars, reading more books, reading more manga, watching more anime.

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Oo I’ve brewed beer a couple times before and it was a ton of fun. The last one we did was a Hefe and it came out soooo gooooooddddd :drooling_face:


i wrote my own music and record it as well. i also enjoy painting, walking in nature, and doing anything that makes me feel productive

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I am a triathlete so I spend time training year round. I also play a reasonable amount of video games. In the summer, I play slow pitch softball for a team I manage.

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